Interview Advice From Professionals

Via Google: Interviews

We had three guest speakers during class. They were individuals experienced individuals within their
fields to go into the interview process. We explored what makes a good interview and how to show your
best self. One of the topics are resumes or CV's. The next are behavior during your interview. The last is the
follow up. The interview process is to see if you are a good fit for the job and a team player. This is not only
for yourself, but to see how you interact with people.
Resumes are the highlights and skills of your professional career. These are showing off your hard
work to have the interviewer ask the right questions and showcase yourself. There are some caution with
over embellishing what you can or cannot do. This can come back to bite you in a negative way. When
exploring the workforce straight from your undergrad, it is better to try and keep your resume at a one page
maximum. Within your resume, list interesting projects, internships, and work that can be applied to the job.
A suggestion by adding a gifhub, or open source, to your resume for easy access from a phone to your
content. This can be done with your LinkedIn profile with your monthly updated resume with any and all
publications. This can include ensuring keywords are in your resume from the job posting, just incase the
company uses a software to scan resumes before sending the final list to the human reviewers.
The resume can be slightly altered or tweaked to every job that you send it to. This will allow
you to get your foot into the door. The interview itself is another aspect. Use your resume to ensure talking
points with your interviewer.

Via Google: Interviews

The behaviors during an interview is a hard one to specifically give clear guidelines. Each company and
each interviewer have different ways of conducting and points they are looking for within a candidate. The
interview is more than listing your academic achievements, but to showcase other interests that can puritan
to the job in a roundabout way. The company might not want the smartest with a ridged way of thinking, but
a flexible individual, eager to earn with an investigated reasonings, and wanting to understanding the how
and why. Another brownie point can be earned if you ask about projects the company is current, just finished,
or planning on. By looking into the company, this shows an interest into projects and a better understanding
of how the company priorities projects. With understanding the company, during your interview process, ask
about the organization chare within the company. The organization chart will allow you to further understand
the flow of the heircey and allow you to judge how you can grow within the company in a long term investment.
This will allow you to further understand the type of commitment and how far you can grow within the company.
Some specialized companies, such as tech companies, might have a basic knowledge test. This allows the
company to talk about your answers within the interview, and understand how and why you came up with the
answers. This will allow both the interviewer and interviewee to further understand the type of knowledge and
skills within the company. This can also be used as a tool to see if you have potential to learn a skill the way
the company would like to have it done, over an already established technique. You are trying to sell yourself
to the company, but you need to ensure that these will be people you have to spend a majority of your time with.
These people will be with you for a long time, ensure you will enjoy and compatible working with them.

MOO Print Limited Business Cards 
The last is the post- interview follow up. This can easily start when your wrapping up your interview. The
best time is to further engage yourself to make that lasting, positive impression. When leaving, ensure that
you have the correct contact information to follow up, and leave a personalized business card. MOO is a
great company for stationery paper products, such as business cards. This will allow for a nice piece of
yourself represented in a professional way; a nice touch. The follow up will be clear when you exit, but you
can have a feel by looking at the job posting. The job posting can also list a range in salary for the position.
This can be an awkward topic to bring up, but necessary. You wouldn't necessary apply for a job with a salary
lower than the one you current have or have no way to grow within the company. One way to investigate is to
look at the job posting estimation of salary. This will give you an idea about how much you could make within
that position. If the posting doesn't have a salary listed, you can also inquire the range at the company's
Human Resources Department. This way you could ask within a discretionary way without worrying about
social etiquette blunders during the interview. This could lead in a positive way through the HR with the
inquiry of the salary as a testament to how serious your application is to the company. The follow up is
important part of the interview process because it lets the company know you are invested and interested
to become apart of their work.
These were great advice from our guest speakers from last class. These tips will help with your
interviewing process and empower yourself to become employed within your career. If an interview doesn't
bore fruitful, ensure to be courteous and thank them for the opportunity and possible tips on how to become
better. This is a learning curve and their will be both positive and negative feedback from the interviews.
Ensure to make the best out of each experience and learn to empower yourself for your future.

Via Google: Empowermemt

      Stockton University Marine Science Program is my major. I had to make a commercial for my school and major for people looking into my program. There are two videos just incase one doesn't work properly.

All information is property of SU

My last app is NOAA Now. This is a source of data for individuals within the marine science to really
understand the different uses. NOAA is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration that was
officially established in 1970. It is ran under the Department of Commerce. There are many different
aspects to the app. This includes weather patterns on a global scale in color and grayscale, an inspiring
photo of the day, ultraviolet Index, and marine information. There are other sub categories, such as ocean
storms, and tornadoes and thunderstorms. The marine information is from the National Data Buoy Center.
This marine information is important to different types of research, from tracking water temperatures that
can indicate were certain plants will grow to the water system in tracking fish. These are all key to
understanding and helpful planing.

NOAA Now App
NOAA Now App Radar 


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